Distance Signs Installed on Robertsdale Trails

The City of Hammond continues to upgrade its recreational trail system. The latest improvement is a set of signs giving walkers, joggers and bikers guidance on how far they are from various landmarks. The signs were installed all around the trail which circles the Indiana portion of Wolf Lake, as well as some of the trail which runs along George Lake.

2018-06-005 - Hammond Trail Mileage  Markers - Hammond, Indiana.jpg

Work is nearing completion on the Calumet Avenue overpass, which will let trail users cross over Calumet Avenue in safety between Wolf Lake and George Lake.

Both Whiting and Robertsdale continue to offer more recreational opportunities to residents and visitors. Looking back on history, this corner of Northwest Indiana had strong roots as an outdoor recreation area, thanks to the presence of four lakes: Lake Michigan, Wolf Lake, George Lake and Berry Lake.

In 1946, a group called the Wolf Lake Boosters had a dance to raise money for their efforts to protect Wolf Lake.  In the program for that event, they wrote about the natural gifts with which this area was blessed:

When the earliest settlers arrived in the area that is now called Whiting and Robertsdale, it was a region of marsh and lakes. It was a haven for migratory waterfowl and bird life in general. Game and fur animals inhabited these lowlands by the countless thousands. Commercial hunters and trappers reaped a rich harvest in the early days and wealthy sportsmen spotted the region as far south as Ridge Road with hunting lodges. Tall tales were told about the log fires of their exploits with the rod and gun on Lake George, Berry Lake, Wolf Lake and the surrounding marshes.

In the decades after the first non-native settlers came to Northwest Indiana the lakes underwent significant changes to accommodate the arrival of industry. Berry Lake was located on the extreme east side of Whiting at its border with East Chicago. Standard Oil expanded its refinery in that direction, and Berry Lake was filled in to make room for Standard.