A List of Whiting-Robertsdale Neighborhood Grocery Stores from 1937
In January 1989, 94-year old Orville Piper told the Historical Society that 50 or 60 years earlier Whiting and Robertsdale had 66 grocery stores. He was very close with his number, if not on the mark. A look through the 1937 City Directory for Whiting and Robertsdale identifies 86 food stores, but that includes meat markets, dairies, and fruit markets, as well as grocery stores.
Below are the names of the 86 food stores in the 1937 Directory, listed by the street each was on and its address. Stores were generally known to neighborhood residents by the name of the person who owned and operated them. That’s why most of the stores in the list below have the owner’s name listed. The majority of store owners were men, but this was one profession in the 1930s where it was not unusual to have stores operated by women, as the list shows.
Although all of these grocery stores are gone, some of the buildings they were in remain. Today, if you drive through town and look at the buildings at those address, see if you can identify which of them used to be grocery stores 80 years ago.
Atchison Avenue
1645 Sugar, Aaron (fruit)
2104 Polinak, Joseph
Berry Avenue
2939 O’Keefe, Anna
Birch Avenue
2351 Milwicz, Mary
Calumet Avenue
1608 Yurkanin, Michael
1908 Dicks Dairy Store
1910 Thornton Brothers (poultry)
1916 Palko, Paul
Center Street
1727 Haluska, John
Clark Street
2023 Boyzak, John (poultry)
Cleveland Avenue
1700 McGowan, Florence
Davidson Place
2026 Churley, Ann
Fischrupp Avenue
1409 Pleasant View Dairy Store
Fred Street
1500 Kollada, Paul
Indianapolis Boulevard
1461 Crystal Market & Grocery
1714 Rybnik, Francis
1718 A & P Food Store
1720 Ness, Charles (meat)
1720-1/2 Kroger Consumers Store
1743 Cannells, John
1809 Jansen, Percy (fruit)
1876 West Park Grocery
1950 Jancosek, John
2007 Poracky, John
2040 Bercik, Joseph
2321 Pleasant Valley Dairy Store
2332 Olio, Stephen
John Street
1441 Senchak, Emil (milk)
1549 Uhrin, George
Lake Avenue
1604 Shorr’s Food Shop
Lincoln Avenue
1832 Novotny, Andrew
2104 Banas, John
Myrtle Avenue
957 Paunicka, Steven
1503 Kosco, John
1520 Janota, Rudolph
1549 Bydolak, Walter
New York Avenue
1913 Gurevitz, George
1914 Lee, Harry & Son
1928 Whiting Fruit Market
1951 Weiner & Son
2120 Brozovich, Joseph
Parkview Avenue
1723 Morganthaler, George
Reese Avenue
1004 Miklusak Brothers
Roberts Avenue
1605 Studer, Joseph & Sons (wholesale meat)
1639 George, Bertha
1645 Buksar & Romanovich
Schrage Avenue
2110 Golub & Son
2614 Marek, Martin
Stanton Avenue
2104 Zabrecky, John
Steiber Street
1537 National Dairy
Superior Avenue
2103 Kukuch, J.
2104 Paunicka, Louis
White Oak Avenue
2438 Murzyn, Angeline
2446 Dominik, Joseph
2462 Stanczak, Frank
2474 Dybel, George
2527 Maskin, Mary
112th Street
404 Briggs, John
116th Street
1111 Mostil, Edward
119th Street
709 Kampo, Anna
821 A & P Tea Company
904 Shimala, Charles
1020 Petris, Anthony
1024 Grover, Glenn
1112 Kroger’s Consumers Stores
1113 Miklusak Brothers (poultry)
1116 Condes, Demetrios
1123 Henos, William (fruit)
1344 American Meat Market
1346 Riffer, Harry (fruit)
1400 Colonial Fruit Store
1404 A & P Tea Company
1411 Tharp, B.L.
1419 McNamara Brothers
1424 National Tea Company
1442 Farmers Meat Market
1522 Hanusin, Joseph
1719 Grenchik, Joseph
1741 Paunicka, Joseph
120th Street
1200 Dado, Stephen
121st Street
1204 Petzold Brothers
1250 Murzyn, John
1401 Wojcik, Peter
1549 Gyure Brothers
129th Street
1829 Slivka, George
131st Street
1837 Kubacki, John